Pradeep Hoskote

Management Tip

The Making of a Manager

The Making of a Manager: What to Do When Everyone Looks to you (Julie Zhuo) – Book Summary & Highlights

The crux of Management: It is the belief that a team of people can achieve more than a single person going at it alone. It is the realization that you don’t have to do everything yourself, be the best at everything yourself, or even know how to do everything yourself. Your job, as a manager, is to get better outcomes from a group of people working together. It’s from this simple definition that everything else flows.
THE ONE THING YOU SHOULDN’T TOLERATE ON YOUR TEAM: Stanford professor Robert I. Sutton described this phenomenon in his now-famous book The No Asshole Rule. He defines an asshole as someone who makes other people feel worse about themselves or who specifically targets people less powerful than him or her.
GIVING PEOPLE BIG PROBLEMS IS A SIGN OF TRUST –  It’s an error in assuming that nobody wants to take on hard problems. In fact, the most talented employees aren’t looking for special treatment or “easy” projects. They want to be challenged. There is no greater sign of trust than handing your report an intricately tangled knot that you believe she can pull apart, even if you’re not sure how.

The Making of a Manager: What to Do When Everyone Looks to you (Julie Zhuo) – Book Summary & Highlights Read More »

Business writing for a PMP

Business Writing Principles for Professionals

Studies suggest that Communication skill is one of the top skill required to be hired and promoted for any role. So effective business writing skills can make or break your career and is really a big deal. I came across this great course from Judy Steiner where she lays out some basic principles of writing. I have started to actively apply some of her tips in my day-to-day communications and I can see improvements already. You can take this training from here.

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Creating a good and lasting first Impression

For any successful career, building and maintaining a great relationship is critical.For building a good relationship beginning is the most important part where you have the opportunity to make a good first impression.

I always believed this to be important but was hoping someone would give me 5 simple things I could do that would help me do that. I came across a video by Todd Dewett, which had these simple steps.

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