For any successful career, building and maintaining a great relationship is critical. To build a good relationship you have to make a good first impression at the beginning.
I always believed this to be important but was hoping someone would give me 5 simple things I could do, that would help me do that. Recently, I came across a video by Todd Dewett, which had these simple steps.
When you are meeting someone (planned) for the first time then, “Be on Time and be prepared” :
This is a basic and most simple part. Not being on time or attending a meeting unprepared can quickly damage your impression. I once had the opportunity to meet one of the CIOs 1 X1 during his India visit, but due to a busy work week I was not able to prepare for the meeting. Although the meeting was not that bad, but I am quite sure I did not leave a lasting impression and I regret missing the opportunity to do so.
If you are meeting someone unplanned then the below tips can help in making a comfortable, memorable first impression:
Maintain eye contact: Solid eye contact between people is essential. I have met few people where they are either not confident to make eye contact or too distracted to maintain eye contact. Having good eye contact tells others you are confident and interested in the interaction.
Offer a firm handshake: This could get awkward sometimes as we are not taught in school about handshakes. So here is the simple rule, No handshaking with fingers 🙂 and hands should fully meet. Handshakes should be firm, not a limp, or not very hard but in between those two and should last for about 1 second.
Ask questions about them: This was a difficult one for me as I cannot sustain dead air in a conversation and start talking about myself or the things I do. I also feel humans inherently tend to talk about themselves more.
So nowadays, instead of talking about myself, I try to know them. As there is no shared history it could make the conversation hard. Ask a question or two and allow them to respond and open up. Again point to note is you should give them the time to respond. Sometimes we often ask a question but are so impatient that we cut them off in between and not hear their complete answer. Adding a few questions and answer to the session will add some comfort to the conversation. Also, this doesn’t make you look self-centered, and you’ve shown a clear interest in understanding who they are.
Don’t Multitask: Never, ever multitask when you are meeting someone. I have personally felt uncomfortable when I am talking to a person for the first time and they are constantly checking their messages on the phone. This would signal me that the person is either too busy or disinterested to have the conversation. You can check your mobile, emails later. For the first few mins of new interaction, the new person should be your sole focus. If you divide your attention while trying to make an initial impression, then the other person may feel that you don’t value this new connection.
Repeat their Name: Always be sure to close the interaction by using their name. ex: Susan it was great to meet you or It was nice chatting with you mark. Using their name shows that you were paying attention and shows that you enjoyed meeting them. The more they see, that you remember them, the more likely it is that they will remember you. This tip is an eye-opener for me as I never realized a simple act of calling out their name could make such an impact.
In conclusion, we all know that first impressions matter, and following the above tips, you can ensure not to do things that could potentially damage the conversation. After all, we only get one shot to make a lasting impression. Let me know what are some of the things you follow which have helped you in the past.