Pradeep Hoskote

Book Summaries

Anything you want

Anything You Want – Secrets for Entrepreneurs

This book is the first book that I read in 2021 as it was highly recommended by a few authors/ influencers I follow and it was not a disappointing read at all. Derek sivers has a unique way of explaining common sense especially if you are planning on starting something on your own. Below are my takeaways from his book “Anything you want”, hope you like reading them…

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Show your Work! -10 Ways to Share Your Creativity

Here is my Book summary on this great book Show your work !I Imagine if your next boss didn’t have to read your résumé because he already reads your blog. Imagine being a student and getting your first gig based on a school project you posted online. Imagine losing your job but having a social network of people familiar with your work and ready to help you find a new one. Imagine turning a side project or a hobby into your profession because you had a following that could support you.”

“All you have to do is show your creativity”

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