Studies suggest that Communication skill is one of the top skill required to be hired and promoted for any role. So effective business writing skills can make or break your career and is really a big deal. I came across this great course from Judy Steiner where she lays out some basic principles of writing. I have started to actively apply some of her tips in my day-to-day communications and I can see improvements already. You can take this training from here.
Below is my summary of this training, I hope you like it !!
Cliches to follow In order to get the best results :
- “Practices makes perfect “– More practices along this new process are needed to improve. Regular and consistent habits are needed to improve and it will be time-consuming.
- “Old habits are hard to break ” – It’s not easy to break current habits and changing your current writing process can be difficult. Understand this and give it the time it needs.
- “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change “ – Albert Einstein. – I find it very inspiring ,cause most of the times we are so stuck to our old ways and methods that we are unwilling to change even when we know that change is for the good.
- “Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything “– George Bernard Shaw – This is Gold !!
To become a successful business writer follow the below steps.
- Be willing to change
- Know what and how to change
- Practice.
Business Readers | Business Writers |
Read Quickly | Write Clearly |
Scan for key points | Make messages easy to read |
Interpret words with their knowledge of the context |
- Business writing is not equal to creative writing but the basics of Effective writing do apply. Having a clear thesis statements ,Topic sentences ,Correct mechanics and Transitions are important to any business writing
- In Addition, Effective Business writing also should include:
- Analyze the reader
- Organize the message
- Point reader to next step
- Value the reader
Understanding the 10 Cs of business writing
1. Making writing Complete:
Necessary information is included so that a follow-up isn’t required. Incomplete writing is often caused as we are assuming or forgetting to analyze what your reader doesn’t know and send out information that we know.
- Complete writing can happen when you think like a reader..
- What is the primary purpose of my message?
- What information must my message include?
- What does the reader already know?
- What does the reader want and need to know?
- What actions do I want from the reader?
- Have I worked with the reader before? And understand how he would react .
- Alternatively, ask someone else to read your message !!
- Take a break, save it in Drafts and come back to it later – This is something that I very often do !!
2. Making writing Concise:
Concise – No extra words and message provided with as few words as possible.
- Understand wordiness: People are wordy and knowing below wordy phrases might help not to include such words.
BaddisasterFreegift- Postpone
until later - Plan
in advance
- Meaningless expressions
Due to the fact that–> Because- Feel free to call me –> Please call for more info
- You will be pleased to know / I am happy to inform you..
- Stock phrases :
- If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.
- If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me.
- Instead of the above try to personalize it with the context .. like ” If you have any further questions on This schedule / Cost Plan/ etc , don’t hesitate to contact me.”
- Weak Verbs
- You will need to send your confirmation for your appointment by Friday – 12 words
- Please confirm your appointment by Friday – 6 words –Stronger and concise
- Expletives or fillers:
- There are five people who will want to attend the conference – 11 words
- Five people want to attend the conference – 7 words
- Busy readers will appreciate a concise message.
3. Making it Clear:
Clear – The message makes sense !!
- Clear writing doesn’t have to be interpreted.
- Analyze your message for clarity before you send it.
- Ask yourself below question
- Have I used jargon or insider language ?
- Have I organized the information in a logical way?
- Have I considered the connotations of the words I used?
- Clear writing will help you get your intended message across to the reader the first time.
4.Making writing conversational:
Conversational – Means Using common language
- Remember that a human is reading your message
- Ask yourself – Would I say this if I were speaking face to face with someone.
Unnatural | Conversational |
Enclosed please find the following items | Here are the materials you asked me to gather for you. |
Hoping to hear from you in the near future | Let me know by Friday if you need more information |
Per your request | As you requested |
This is in regards to | This is regarding |
5. Making writing Correct:
Correct – Means all elements are accurate.
- You have one chance to make a good impression – Generally formed from the email that is sent.
- Correct Writing
- Name spelling – Also, The courtesy title should be correct…
- Mechanics –
- Reading the message before sending it is crucial. (you vs your, then vs than, omitted and repeated words),
- Homonyms – it’s vs its, stationary vs stationery
- Punctuation – Tell the manager that you want a current handbook; the one you have is outdated.
- Information –
- Facts and statistics. 1,400,000 vs 1,400,00 double check the numbers !!
- Format – Letter format needs to be followed incase you are writing a letter.
- Correct Writing
6.Making writing Coherent:
Coherent – The ideas connect and there is a natural flow of information.
- Incoherent writing: The reader can’t understand the writer’s message.
- Coherent writing: All parts of a message fit together and all ideas connect.
- Remember that your reader isn’t seeing the connection through your eyes.
- Your reader needs connections (transitions) to see how ideas connect in your message.
- Techniques:
- Use transitional words and phrases to connect your ideas.
- However, but , on the other hand.
- Continuing a thought
- Similarly, And, Likewise …
- Showing cause/ effect relationship
- Therefore, consequently, even though,
- Assess if your writing is coherent:
- Ask someone else to read your message
- Take a break and come back to it later.
- Use transitional words and phrases to connect your ideas.
7. Making writing Credible
- Credible: Valid support to your argument and valid sources are included.
- Credible writing:
- Do your research
- Support your opinions
- Check your information carefully
- Use reliable, valid sources
- How to get credible information
- Primary sources
- Questionnaires
- Surveys
- Experiments
- Secondary sources
- Books
- Articles
- Reports
- Primary sources
- Also, learn to question the credibility of the information you receive and Give credible information.
8. Making writing Concrete:
Concrete writing means making sure that specifics are given and vague information is not shared.
- Be careful while using these terms: Some, Several, Many, A few…
- Get several ( 3 – 50 ??) 50 chairs set up and bring a lot ( 10 – 100 ??) of the blue handouts to the meeting..
- Get the report to me as soon as possible.
- Instead – Please send me an electronic copy of the Wilson report(#223) by 5.00 PM Friday, March 30.
- Feedbacks like –
- You need to work harder –> You need to arrive to work on time and contact six clients each day.
- You need to work on being a better team leader. –> Taking a course on team dynamics will help you learn how to get everyone involved in team meetings.
- Vague Terms —
- In the near future
- A large amount
- Quickly
- They said…
Example of a vague sentence and its corrected form…
Concrete writing Summary:
- Question every statement that doesn’t include specifics.
- Avoid words that have multiple meanings.
- Avoid vague words.
9. Making writing Courteous:
- Courteous Writing
- Positive tone
- Writing with positive words and avoiding negative words like below
- Negative words – “No” or “Not”
- Negative connotations
- Reminders of a negative situation
- Preachy
- Doubtful
- A natural reaction to negative words is to become defensive .
- Focus on what is or can be rather than on what isn’t or can’t be.
- Find the differences
- “You won’t get your supplies until Friday”. Vs “You will receive your supplies on Friday”
- You can’t reserve Room 111 on June 10 Vs Room 111 is already reserved for June 10, but it is available on June 9 or 11.
- We can’t allow you a refund after 30 days Vs Your item is eligible for a refund for 30 days.
- Find the differences
- Negative Connotations:
- Superior words : We will permit or allow you to return the item for replacement Vs Please return your item for a replacement.
- Reminders of the negative situation:
- The broken computer you sent is now repaired. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Vs Your repaired computer will be delivered tomorrow. A new process will help you get faster service.
- Preachy words:
- You must fill out this form if you want to enroll in the program. Vs Please fill out this form so that you will be enrolled in the program
- You have to have your receipt before you get a refund Vs Please show your receipt to get a full refund.
- Doubtful Words:
- I hope I’ve satisfied you. here is 20% off coupon if you ever do business with us again. Vs You will receive your requested replacement. Here is a 20% off coupon to use the next time you are in the store.
- Reader’s viewpoint
- Always focus on : How would you react if you received the message?
- Ex: I am happy to inform you that we are giving you a $10 discount.
- We have had to raise our prices because we’ve had a decline in profits and can’t continue to lose money –
- Instead of Above try this !!
- You will receive a $10 discount. So that you will continue to receive high-quality service, the minimum charge on your account is now $10.
- Positive tone
- Summary : Courteous writing involves writing in a positive tone and from Reader’s viewpoint.
10. Making writing Considerate:
- Create an easy to read the document
- Design it in a considerate way.
- Eg : long notes can be converted into steps so that reader can follow quickly.
- Emphasize the main purpose
- Internal heading, bold, Italics can be used to highlight key points
- Follow basic paragraphing guidelines
- Each para starts with a topic and elaborates on it.
- Readable paragraphs: 6 – 8 lines.
- Question if you have more than 10 lines. There are more ideas in it and chances are it will confuse the reader.
Honing Your writing skills
The writing process:
- Plan (40%)–> Write(20%) –> Revise(40%)
- Planning
- Identify your reader
- Identify your purpose
- Determine the level of detail
- Determine the language
- Determine the tone
- Spending time to plan and revise will
- Send your message correctly
- Reduce followups and errors
- Planning
Avoiding common grammatical errors
- Your reader will know, will care, and will form an impression of you based on your correct or incorrect grammar use.
- Pronouns –
- I – Subject or after linking verb
- Me – Object
- Myself – Intensifier
- Possessive Pronouns
- Its – Possession
- It’s – Contraction (It is)
- Agreement of number
- Singular –
- Ex: Everyone knows their position on the committee.. Incorrect
- Everyone knows his or her position on the committee.
- Plural
- All participants know their positions on the committee .
- Singular –
- Adjectives and Adverbs:
- I feel badly that you didn’t win the award Vs I feel bad that you didn’t win the award.
- He played the game badly
- The Key here is the verb. Feel- Linking verb played – Action verb
- Adverbs – Describe action verbs — like badly above
- Adjectives – Follow linking verbs — bad
- Example: There – Place Their – Possessive Pronoun..
- Over there is their house.
- Then – Time
- Than – Comparison
- Example: Her income is higher than mine; right then I decided to ask for a raise.
- Affect – Verb
- Effect – Noun
- Example: We were affected by the effects of the new policy
- Accept – Verb
- Except – Proposition
- Example: Everyone accepted the new rules except Frank.
Summary: Make a good impression with correct grammar.
Common punctuations:
- Comma – Most used and Misused punctuation.
- Fragment : Even though I have attended this organization’s conference. I look forward to its new location.
- Correct: Even though I have attended this organization’s conference, and I look forward to its new location.
- When joining two complete sentences use a comma and a conjunction.
- Semicolon: Separate two complete sentences .. Ex: Our committee will meet on Thursday; we will present our finding at the meeting.
- Colon: Signifies that something is following. Never used after a verb or preposition. Ex: The following three issues will be discussed at the meeting: The health care addendum, the overtime policy , and the bicycle parking locations.
- Apostrophes :
- Singular possessive , one guest:
- Our guest’s receipts are in the drawer.
- Plural possessive, multiple guests:
- Our guests’ receipts are in the drawer.
- Singular possessive , one guest:
- Quotation marks and other punctuation
- Inside quotes – Period and comma
- Outside quotes – Colon , Semicolon
Email Considerations:
Things to know :
- Is email the best method for this message?
- Is it the best way to communicate the message ? or a may be a phone call or a meeting is required ?
- How confidential is the content of the message?
- Emails are generally not confidential.
- Cannot be deleted and can be retrieved easily.
- Message can be forwarded without senders knowledge.
- Is your subject line clear so the reader will actually read the email?
- Will your reader pickup your intended tone?
- Your tone can be misinterpreted in the email.
- Do you think its better to have a call / meeting ?
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