Pradeep Hoskote

Pradeep Hoskote

I am Pradeep. I’m a PMP certified Project Manager by profession. Outside of work, I enjoy exploring and writing about productivity, leadership and strategies on how to be a better Professional. On this site, I write about things that have excited me, summaries of books that I read, life lessons and experiences that have changed me.

Project Manger performance management

Managing poor performance as a Project Manager

As a Project/ Program Manager, Your world would be great if everyone would perform the best! but in reality, it’s not true and there is plenty of performance issues that we as project managers need to address. I have also noticed that most leaders don’t enjoy sharing feedback on poor performance with their team, but TRUE leaders never back off from such a difficult conversation.

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critical Thinking

Critical Thinking for Better Judgment and Decision-Making

As a project manager, on average, I take at least 5 decisions in a day..🙂 It could be a decision to onboard a resource or Add/ remove tasks from my WBS and a decision to change the schedule, various risks based decisions, project budget-based decisions, and so on.. That means it’s naturally important for me to learn and improve my critical thinking and decision-making ability. While I was looking for some pointers around this, I came across this training in LinkedIn Learning.

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The Psychology of Money

The Psychology of Money – (Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness )

I liked this book because it helped me reaffirm some of my beliefs around why savings is important and how to be content with your earnings. Also, it is important to be patient when it comes to growing money and we should always be prepared for any financial adversities that may occur. Progress happens too slowly to notice, but setbacks happen too quickly to ignore. Finally, have enough money so that it gives you the ability to do what you want, when you want, with whom you want, for as long as you want to.

The Psychology of Money – (Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness ) Read More »

How to say No

Simple Rules for When and How to say No – At work

I always struggled, in fact even now I find it very difficult to say No to random requests and favors that come my way. It’s important to be helpful, positive, and civil but you have to carve out time for yourself every day in order to get your work done and meet your deadlines. Here I talk about when and how to say No and also do that without hurting anybody’s feelings.

Simple Rules for When and How to say No – At work Read More »

Anything you want

Anything You Want – Secrets for Entrepreneurs

This book is the first book that I read in 2021 as it was highly recommended by a few authors/ influencers I follow and it was not a disappointing read at all. Derek sivers has a unique way of explaining common sense especially if you are planning on starting something on your own. Below are my takeaways from his book “Anything you want”, hope you like reading them…

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Scrum 101

Scrum 101 – Things you should know !!

This week I took a refresher training on Scrum basics (from Kelley O’Connell, highly recommend you to take her course if it’s feasible ) so that I could reflect and appreciate the scrum practices I do on regular basis and also start things that I have either stopped doing or never considered worthy! So here is my summary/takeaways. Hope you like it!

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How to identify and solve team burnouts !!

As a Project Manager / Leader its extremely important that you look out for your team member burnouts. This could be caused due to various reasons and its our job to understand the root cause and provide a solution that not only keeps your team happy but also ensure you deliver your project smoothly. Below I will discuss few pointers from my experience and lessons from Todd Dewett’s training on Management.

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