6 Thinking hats in 3 sentences
1. This Training helps you ensure that At any moment everyone in the team is looking in the same direction (by focusing on similar activity).
2.Each thinker puts forward his or her thoughts in parallel with the thoughts of others. Constructive alternative to arguments..
3.Guides thought processes in one direction at a time so we can effectively analyze issues, generate new ideas, and make better decisions.
My Impression:
– Overall a good session for leaders who intend to solve a problem and or general leading discussions. There was an overlap of concepts from PMBOK and can be related to Stakeholder management, Risk management, Resource Management etc..
Who should take this training?
– PMs, Leaders, Architects and people who facilitate meetings/ brainstorming sessions should take this training.
– Individuals members part of scrum team can take the training so that they can provide inputs based on the Hats ! .
How the training helped me ?
– I was able to understand and accept that feelings play an important role in a program’s success. Always make sure to hear the team’s gut feeling before taking the decisions.
-Helped me to look at opportunities hidden within the problem.
All Hats
Roles explained
Facilitator’s Role
-Define the focus of your thinking
-Plan the sequence and timing of the thinking
-Ask for changes in the thinking if needed
-Handle request from the group for changes in the thinking
-Form periodic or final summaries of the thinking
Participant’s Role
-Follow the lead of six thinking Hats facilitator
-Stick to the hat that is in current use.
-Try to work within the time limits
-Contribute honestly & Fully under letter and spirit.
Sequencing of HATS for various and most common situations-
Benefits of using Six Thinking Hats
1.Decisions seem to make themselves
2.Focused thinking
3.Improves exploration
4.Improves creativity & innovation within the team
5.Collaborative thinking
6.Provides a common language
7.Helps people work against type, preference etc
8.Removal of ego from decisions
9.Allows a switch in thinking without threatening ego.
10.Saves time !!
If you are interested in further reading , I recommend this book I found on Amazon.
Consider checking out other posts on team building and management.
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